
Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas!

3 weeks ago we adopted a dog into our family, we found him on kijiji. He is 3 years old and we believe him to be a Nova Scotia Duck Toller - Corgi mix. The kids decided to name him Hershey. We now come home to an excited pup that likes to give you "Hershey Kisses"

The day before yesterday the kids were hugging him and told me that their Christmas wish had already come true, they got the best dog in the world. Must say I agree.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ten Thousand Villages Sale Nov 27 & 28th

The Ten Thousand Villages Sale 
 Friday, November 27th, from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM and Saturday,
November 28th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at 
St. Paul's United Church, 404 Cleveland Ave., Riverview. 
Admission is free.

Ten Thousand Villages villages sells beautiful, fairly-traded gifts benefiting artisans from more than 35 Third
World countries. The gifts you buy at the Ten Thousand Villages Sales will give the blessings of steady work, fair wages, and a better life for struggling families around the world. Your purchase makes a difference!

The reality is that very little publicity has been picked up around this sale. So please, forward this message on to your friends and families who might come to the sale. This is the only sale in the Greater Moncton area during this Christmas season.

Many realize the importance of shopping for fair trade goods. Those who work at the sales are volunteers and the facilities that act as host do so at no charge. This means that the costs to the consumer have no profit margins built in for anyone other than the craftsperson whose product you purchase. (There are some minor costs such as shipping that do get added in.)

Ten Thousand Villages is a project of Mennonite Central Committee, the outreach arm of the Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches in North America.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

6th Annual, Ways of Seeing: Photography for the Artist in Us

6th Annual, Ways of Seeing:
Photography for the Artist in Us
October 23 - 25; Fri 7pm to Sun 1pm

Experience the magical setting of Tatamagouche Centre in the fall, for the purpose of deepening your photographic practice. Then, prepare to "push the envelope" through creativity exercises, group critiques, discussions, artist talks, films - and more - while enjoying a group process of safety and support.

Come away with powerful creative tools, refined technical skills, and a rich learning community to fuel your inspiration all year.

All levels of experience welcome.


Margot Metcalfe
has been an educator for over forty years. She is a contemplative photographer with work in public collections nationally and private collections around the world.


Silver Frith
is a graduate of Holland College School of Visual Arts, and studied photography at the University of Saskatchewan and NSCAD University.  Her work is in private collections in Canada and the US. She exhibits regionally.


Gordon Williams
is a graphic designer, photographer and artist. His works have appeared in regional and national publications and in private collections in Canada and abroad. He is a graduate of the NB College of Craft and


Past Participants
At the end of the program I did reflect back and realized that I would probably never look at an image the same way. All of my intention was realized.

This combination of three facilitators works splendidly; they each bring a distinctive perspective; I can't imagine a better format.
Eye-opening approach. I wanted a different outlook on photography and this workshop did exactly that.

The program was hugely inspirational; I came with little confidence and left with tremendous confidence - to experiment and continue to learn.

An amazing group of people who shared so many different ideas and creative feelings.
Leadership Goal
To create a learning event wherein participants are inspired, challenged and supported so that we may be creative, experimental, trusting and celebratory with our photography.

Leadership Objectives
To build a learning community. To explore the creative use of our camera as an expression of our artist selves.  To strengthen our awareness of the circumstances that enhance our connection to our creative selves. To increase our awareness of barriers to our creative photographic expression. To offer the opportunity to give and receive constructive feedback. To work hard and to have fun.

As we prepare our program calendar for 2010 and update the website, we are looking for new photos taken here at Tatamagouche Centre. They could be program pics, scenery, or people just 'hanging out' and enjoying their time here. Please keep in mind that we may use the pictures in promotional material, in the printed calendar, and/or on our website, so be sure to get permission from any person in the picture. And be sure to include the name of the photographer so they can receive credit. Please send them to as soon as possible so they can be included! Thanks!!

Tatamagouche Centre's Meeting and Convention Services
Book your next meeting, retreat or family reunion. Beautiful natural setting combined with great rates! For more information contact the Hosting Coordinator at

Stay tuned for our 2010
Program Calendar.
Prepare to be amazed!
Coming to a mailbox near you this November!

Call us or visit our website for information on the 
many great programs and services we offer.

Tatamagouche Centre
259 Loop Route 6 RR3
Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0
1.902.657.2231 / 1.800.218.2220 /

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Message - Miracles

My friends, The Message just released their 2nd CD "Miracles" this weekend.  I was pleased and fortunate to do the photography and graphic design on this project.  I wasn't able to make it to the CD launch this past Saturday but I am looking forward to seeing and hearing them this coming Saturday in Saint John.

Here is a snapshot of most of the CD artwork, I am rather happy how it all came together. The photo session in the recording studio was a lot of fun and the term surround sound holds new meaning for me.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

AX7 - Fernwood

AX7 tagged Ruddy Turnstone
Detail with bird AX7

Shorebirds Confederation Bridge

Shorebirds Confederation Bridge

Recently on a trip to Fernwood, I photographed some shorebirds roosting at high tide. There were mostly Ruddy-Turnstones, a few Sandpipers and some Bonaparte's gulls. Upon close inspection of the images to pick the best ones, I noticed that one of the Ruddy-Turnstones had a green tag on it's leg. So I did a quick web search on bird tags an came up with an email for a scientist with the Canadian Wildlife Service. She quickly responded and I sent her some images and she forwarded them to her counterpart in the US. He emailed me back with some detail on that bird :

FL(AX7) was banded on Reeds Beach, New Jersey, USA on 18-May-08 with federal band #1282-01166.

He also provided me a link to a new website that is a database to report and track sightings of tagged shorebirds.

March 2010 Update! the little guy was spotted in Bequia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines see the comments and map below

Friday, July 24, 2009


This land art project was made in August of 2007 at the beach in front of my parents place in Fernwood, PEI on the Northumberland Strait. I have not shown this work before this as I wanted to present it in a way that illustrated the ephemeral, transitional nature of this piece.

Watching something I spent time gathering elements and creating being slowly consumed by the tide was a very much a spiritual experience for me. I did not see this as destruction but rather a transformation and a re-integration back to the sea and sand.

For the music, I layered portions of 3 pieces from the Touch the Sound Soundtrack.  a wonderful film btw

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Images from Sackville

These two images were made in Sackville when I was there as a facilitographer for youth forum about a month ago.

Wall & sky   
This image was made on my way to breakfast the first morning. I was struck by the texture of the wall and the clouds.

Waterfowl Park, Sackville

This image was made later that morning during a walk in the waterfowl park with my homegroup.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Salmon release with class

Yesterday I joined Ben's class for a field trip to release salmon in a local stream.  Over the last few months his class watched in their classroom tank as the eggs developed into many stages before they were large enough to release.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Awestruck, Youth Forum 09

Youth Forum this year was wonderful as usual. This year I served as both Facilitator and Photographer... a Facilitographer :)  This year's theme was Green Faith, Green Earth, we sang, watched videos had discussions and activities around issues related to the environment and the impact they make on our lives as Christians in the United Church of Canada. A series of workshops were offered as well and I was fortunate to lead one on contemplative photography.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


These two images were made back in 2005 during a family vacation in PEI.  Inspired by the art of Andy Goldsworthy, I created this piece on the beach at Ross Lane.  Made the next morning, the second photo reveals the tide's transformation.


Transition II - The next morning
Transition II

I have a few other land art pieces in my archives that I will present in future posts.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Five, originally uploaded by Gordon Williams Photo.
Today marks 5 years since my 1st blog post.
the "walk to far" continues.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Woodpecker in flight

I was out for a walk on the Dobson Trail with Ben when we came upon some active bird feeders. This image was my favorite, I love the sense of motion.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Winter triptych, Shinimicas

The February sky was moving rapidly and strips of sunlight would pass over the scene. These 3 images were made over the span of a minute or two.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Eagle Eye

This image was made in the fall of '08 on the beach at Fernwood, PEI
I was photographing the kids and I happened to see this eagle landing on the beach ahead from the corner of my eye.
Naturally, the telephoto lens was not on my camera so I grabbed a couple of frames with what I had, (indeed, they were crap)
Then I fired the telephoto onto my camera and slowly walked toward the eagle taking photos every few steps. I guess
when I had gotten too close, it was time for my feathered friend to leave, that is the image you see here. I have no idea
what that lump of meat in it's talons is, it is not regognizable as a creature. I suspect it is a piece of something larger like a seal.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Welcome to Gordophoto 2.0

Seeing that I had not posted to this blog since 2007 and was still getting 50 or more views a week, I decided to import my other blog into this one, please drop in & stay a while to enjoy the merged blogs.