
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

CD and DVD Longevity

I read an article in a trade magazine recently regarding the longevity of CD and DVD. Here are some of the recommendations it listed.

CD and DVD Storage Recommendations

Do you know how to properly store their CDs and DVDs? Do you? Following these simple tips can help prolong the life of data burned to these disks.

• Start with high quality media. Fuji CD-R for Photo, Kodak preservation cd/dvd or Delkin Archival Gold are 3 examples.
• When burning a disk, always let the CD or DVD burner verify that the data has been written to disk successfully. The extra few minutes at the time you burn the files will ease a lot of heartache when you try to access files on a disk that had a problem during the writing process, and wasn’t verified.
• Store disks vertically.
• Store disks in a protective case.
• Don’t use labels or tape on the media.
• Don’t write on the media, even with markers that say they’re safe for the purpose. Instead identify disks by writing on the center hub area, and using the paper insert that comes in a jewel case for fully listing what is on each disk.
• Disks should be stored at low temperature, low humidity, and in low light.
• Migrate to new technologies as they emerge.
• Keep redundant archives of important files.

Here is another article of interest.

Through the eyes of Children

I recently came across this site and was moved by the images and also how photography can be used a means of healing and understanding.

Through the Eyes of Children began as a photographic workshop in 2000, conceived by photographer, David Jiranek, and inspired by the founder of the Imbabazi Orphanage, Rosamond Carr - an American woman living in Rwanda for over 50 years. Using disposable cameras, the children originally took pictures for themselves and to share with others, exploring their community, and finding beauty as the country struggles to rebuild.

It also reminds me that though Rwanda is going through a healing process, the situation in the Darfur region of Sudan is at a serious level and the world cannot ignore it like it did during the genocide in Rwanda. Here is a website called Darfur Drawn; the Conflict in Darfur Through Children's Eyes.