
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Through the eyes of Children

I recently came across this site and was moved by the images and also how photography can be used a means of healing and understanding.

Through the Eyes of Children began as a photographic workshop in 2000, conceived by photographer, David Jiranek, and inspired by the founder of the Imbabazi Orphanage, Rosamond Carr - an American woman living in Rwanda for over 50 years. Using disposable cameras, the children originally took pictures for themselves and to share with others, exploring their community, and finding beauty as the country struggles to rebuild.

It also reminds me that though Rwanda is going through a healing process, the situation in the Darfur region of Sudan is at a serious level and the world cannot ignore it like it did during the genocide in Rwanda. Here is a website called Darfur Drawn; the Conflict in Darfur Through Children's Eyes.

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