
Friday, November 14, 2008

Tatamagouche '08 - Sunrise and Moonglow

The sunrise was spectacular this year on Saturday morning.  It was cool and crisp but the light was warm and the waning crescent moon was still bright.

Appletree Moon, Tatamagouche 2008 

Tata Cresent Moon
Waning Crescent Moon & Leaves, Tatamagouche 2008 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tatamagouche '08 - Starry Night

This year marked my 5th year as part of the leadership team of the Ways of Seeing, Photography for the Artist Within Us event.  As always, it was a great event with a fantastic group of people.

After the Friday night session was finished, picking up from where we left off last year, I set out with my friends Shannon & Lawrence with our cameras to soak in the clear autumn sky.  It was a cool, crisp evening sky filled with stars.  We all made some long exposures of the night sky.

Tatamagouche Starry Night
Tatamagouche Starry Night

Shannon and the night sky
Shannon and the Night Sky, Tatamagouche Oct,2008

Later we turned the cameras on ourselves and had a little fun with flashlights and shadows.

Midnight Madness Tata Oct08
Flashlight Fun, Tatamagouche Oct, 2008

friend shadows

I have some more images to share from the weekend in the next couple of posts.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Few More from Cape Enrage

Here are a few more images from the Cape Enrage adventure I went on with my buddy Rob a couple weeks back.

Rob, Cape Enrage

Portrait behind the rope

Cape Enrage, Low Tide

Fundy Light, Cape Enrage

I have some images and thoughts from the Ways of Seeing event held recently in Tatamagouche coming in a future post(s)